Industry Statistics and Benchmark Reports for Tenders Market in Singapore

Our latest tool brings insights about each industry in Singapore’s tenders market to your fingertips. Industry Statistics and Benchmark Reports are available for the 99 industries that we track on TenderBoard.

What’s the purpose of these Reports and what can we expect?

Finding Business Opportunities and Tenders in Singapore just got easier again

We have enhanced our search capabilities again, making it easier and clearer when looking for business opportunities and tenders through our site. There are 2 updates:

1. Search Summary Bar

Searching for tender opportunities in Singapore? Our improved search makes it even easier to find tenders now.

Our tender search capabilities have improved, making it even easier to find tenders in Singapore. When searching for tenders on our site, you can now fine tune your search by using the "Refine Your Search" button:

Clicking this button opens a pop-up that allows you to filter the tenders in 2 ways:

Tender Analytics now available. Use data to make your pricing or budgeting decisions.

Tender Analytics

We are big advocates of using data to improve your tendering and are super stoked about this update. While our data has always been available for you to comb through, it hasn’t been presented in a manner that facilitates analysis. This changes today! We are pleased to announce our latest feature, Tender Analytics, a data analysis tool that lets you make better tendering decisions.

Tender Analytics – a set of decision support analytics baked into every tender listing

Price low to win a tender? Think again: Mythbusters – Does the lowest bid always win the tender? - Part 2

We busted the myth that tenders are always awarded to the lowest bid in a previous post (Mythbusters - Does the lowest bid always win the tender?). While we uncovered some interesting points, we ended up asking even more questions than when we first started. In this post, we do a deeper dive into the data to try and answer the question: do tenders that are awarded to the lowest and highest bidders tend to be from certain industries?


Mythbusters – Does the lowest bid always win the tender?

We have often heard it being repeated, to the point where some take it as gospel truth – “The tender always goes to the lowest quote”. We thought it would be interesting to see what the data has to say about this. In this post, we analyse what the data reveals about tenders in Singapore being awarded to the lowest bids.


We looked at about 38,000 tenders that were awarded over the past year in Singapore. Each tender is categorised into 1 of 4 groups:

TenderBoard - Focused on Singapore Tenders and Business Opportunities.

If you are an organisation looking to participate in tenders in Singapore, you will find this site indispensable. From here, you can easily search across the many sites hosting tenders in Singapore (both government and private sectors). We also provide tools and data that may be used to derive competitive intelligence, as well as insights about the market.